Running Is Boring

By K10 Patel / Dec 5th, 2023

I like to let people like the things they like instead of trying to make them like things I like. I intentionally used the word like many times in that sentence. Did you find it annoying or redundant? Well, guess what? I get annoyed and tired of hearing people say, “Running is boring”. Most people’s definition of boring is misinformed and usually a negative thing. I have a completely different definition of boring because I love boring. To be bored is a wonderful feeling – You should open both arms and give boredom a big hug and just embrace it.

Running is an essential part of my life and no one change my mind about that. Many of my blogs I have posted on this website try to convince others to start running or train for a race. If you have tried it or gone through with it and decided that running will not be a part of your fitness routine, then so be it. This is understandable and I completely understand. There is a mental health aspect involved as well. Making running a routine part of your life or building up endurance week-to-week is not an easy task.

There is also a second group of people who say Running is Boring. This is the group of people that lack any interest in running and just get bored even thinking about running altogether without ever having ran before. For this group, I have no kind words and can only try to help you.

Some people don’t like running but still build running into their week because they like the health rewards. Whatever the reason may be for finding running boring, it is still a very enjoyable activity for most.

Make sure you understand why running is boring for you. Perhaps the boredom is created because you are unengaged. Speaking in generic terms, boredom is not created by an absence of things to do, but rather the fact that you don’t see any value in the activity you chose.

Is it because you don’t enjoy the outdoors and thus you are not mentally engaged?
Is it because your 3-mile run is not a challenge for you?
Is it because you are tired or not getting enough sleep?
Is it because there is no motivation factor?
What is it about running that you find boring?

Pin down the reason why you are bored. I don’t believe you can eliminate the feel of boringness, but you can minimize it by understanding where the dissatisfaction is coming from.

This image shows the words "its not me its you"
Is It the Physical Act of Running That Is Making You Bored or Is It You?

Running gives me something to look forward to. I’m very grateful for the peace and quiet time I get when I let my mind wander on my runs. I forget about my work, home, and social life and just enjoy the silence of the surroundings around me. I don’t like the idea of wearing earbuds or headphones when I’m running because it’s a distraction from my quiet time. 

Music makes me think about various topics based on which song is playing and its lyrics, so music directly in my ears is a big no-go for me. Regardless, running is my way to de-stress and do what makes me happy so I just pop on my running gear and head outdoors. If that description is how you would define boredom, then I would take boredom all day long for the rest of my life.

If you are looking for some motivation or need some methods to make running more fun, here are some suggestions.


1.  Run with a friend. 

Talking through a run about random topics may help feel as if the run was very short. You would be surprised at the difference running with a friend can make. Try it and find out.

2.  Change where you run.

Try a new trail that you haven’t explored before or streets in your town you haven’t step foot on yet. New scenery may help you get through your run without making your workout feel like a chore.

3.  Add some speed.

You may be getting bored of your monotonous pace on the same route, same time, during the same days of the week. Either mix in some speed or make your legs work a little harder by doing some hill work.

this image shows three individuals running together
Find Someone To Chat With

4.  Listen to music.

If you are anything like me, you won’t like listening to music on your run, but if listening to upbeat music or that rock song is something that gives you a kick or gets you in the mood, then feel free to listen to tunes during your workout.

5.  Track your progress.

Tracking your progress with a fitness app or automatic syncing via a fitness watch is a great way to measure your success since it might give you that little push to continue performing well and reaping the benefits you are feeling.

this image shows a person running with their earphones listening to music
Listen to Music (Especially on Treadmill Runs)

Bottom Line

How do you define boring? What do you think of when hear the word boredom? Most people associate the word boring as a negative annotation – I would disagree. If you have tried all the methods possible to make running likable and still find it boring, don’t fight the feeling. After all, we are all humans and it’s natural to enjoy different hobbies, sports, and exercises. It might indicate that you-and-running are not meant to be.

For others out there, make sure you understand what boredom truly means and what the underlying cause for the boredom is before you make a blanket statement about being bored.

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